by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
For decades, little was known about how dangerous exposure to asbestos could be. What’s worse: even people who didn’t handle the substance on the job still came in contact with it through someone else’s work clothes or in their homes. Now many of...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
LSU law has mock trials. They invite attorneys from our firm every year to come participate. It will consist of 200+ seniors in law school. They will debate and have mock trials and our attorneys will give a critique of each case. It’s a very impressive three day...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Last weekend I had a chance to attend the Weekend Of the Cross in Ruston, Louisiana with my 14 year-old son and his youth group from our church. We left Thursday evening for Ruston and we returned to Alexandria Sunday afternoon. When I was initially asked to go, I was...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Neblett, Beard & Arsenault’s senior and founding partner, Richard J. Arsenault, will be presenting ” Illnesses With Long Latency Period” at the Litigation & Liability in the Workplace Continuing Legal Education program at LSU Law Center. The program will...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
We here at Neblett, Beard and Arsenault love being involved with our community. For over a decade, we have organized and sponsored a field trip program, where local grade school classes can meet Law Enforcement officials, Lawyers and Judges and learn about the legal...