Our Firm Representing Our SSDI Clients

Neblett, Beard & Arsenault’s Social Security and Disability Attorneys attended and presented at the Annual Conference for the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives held in Nashville, TN. Attorney Barbara Mixon had the opportunity to discuss issues currently facing Neblett, Beard & Arsenault’s clients with the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Martin O’Malley. Also in attendance from our firm were attorneys Richard Arsenault, Chase Gore, and Amber Laborde.

The New York Times has referred to Arsenault as a “big player” in the legal community. The Wall Street Journal has described him as having “national notoriety” and as a “big gun” among attorneys in competition for national leadership roles. Business Week has referred to him as “a Dean of the Louisiana tort bar”, USA Today featured him as a member of the “Legal Elite” and the New Orleans Times Picayune has referred to him as “an authority on class actions.”

Richard has over 300 articles and presentations to his credit and has authored many Law Review articles including one published in Federal Courts Law Review. Among other writings, he co-authored the chapter on Multidistrict Litigation in an ABA treatise. Richard was also asked by Judge Heyburn, JPML Chair, to participate in the Panel’s “Multidistrict Litigation Study Project”. He has personally participated in negotiating over $3.5 billion in complex litigation settlements in the last five years.

Hire an Accident Injury Lawyer in Louisiana – Learn More About Your Rights After an Accident Injury 

Accidents happen when we least expect them, and worse, when we are least prepared. Insurance companies paint a pretty picture, that if we pay them money each month, that they will rush to our aid when we need them. Sadly, this is not the case. Too often, honest injury victims are either offered far less money than they deserve, or are flat out denied their claim. Our lawyers FIGHT for your rights after an accident. For over 40 years, our Louisiana personal injury lawyers have put the needs of our clients first.

If you, or a loved one, has been hurt in an accident please call us right away. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call is free, the consultation is free, and you have nothing to lose. Call us today and find how much your case may be really worth.