by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Many types of evidence can be submitted in a personal injury case, but expert testimony is often crucial in establishing liability for the damages you’ve suffered from an auto accident. Expert witnesses are typically selected based on advanced education,...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Although the law requires drivers to have valid liability coverage, the truth is that many Louisiana motorists are uninsured. Some can’t get insurance because they’re driving without a license, while others may be making the choice to forgo coverage in...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Although attending to your medical needs should be your first priority after an auto accident, you’ll definitely want to make sure any necessary repairs are made to your vehicle in a timely fashion. There are several factors to consider as you’re having...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
If you’re in an accident, calculating for lost wages and loss of future earning potential is fairly easy if you’re an employee working for someone else. If you’re self-employed, however, the issue becomes more complex. Factors Used to Determine Lost Income...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Knowing who is covered by your auto insurance policy is vital since misunderstanding the limits of your coverage can be a costly mistake if an accident occurs. If you lend your car to someone who is not listed as a named driver on your policy, you can’t assume...
by nbalawdesign | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
When you’re traveling on vacation, it’s hard to beat the convenience of a rental car. However, it’s vital that you protect yourself by thoroughly investigating the limits of any applicable rental car insurance. Do not automatically assume your rental...