by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Broken bones are common in high-speed car accidents due to the force of impact and the risks associated with flying debris. If you’ve suffered a broken arm in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you are entitled to compensation for the damages you’ve...
by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Accidents that occur on highways and interstates often make the local news, but you’re statistically more likely to be involved in a serious car accident while traveling on a local road. Louisiana has 45,000 miles of local roads and only 17,000 miles of state roads. ...
by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
According to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, the state has 933.84 miles of interstate roads. Some of the primary interstates Louisiana residents use every day include I-10, I-20, and I-49. Additionally: I-10 is Southern Louisiana’s...
by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Encountering an aggressive driver can be a frightening experience because the unpredictable behavior puts everyone on the road at risk. If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by an aggressive driver, you should consult an attorney as soon as possible to protect...
by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Distracted driving can take many forms, but one that’s often overlooked is the use of social media. Since social media combines photos, text, video, and real-time updates, it’s even more distracting than making a call or reading a text message. In fact, research...
by nbalawdesign | Feb 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Cell phones may make our lives more convenient, but they are one of the primary causes of distracted driving. In fact, cell phones are so problematic, a 2017 study by scientists at Cambridge Mobile Telematics found that phone use was a factor in more than half of all...