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Law Firm News

Fighting For The Rights of the Injured

Louisiana Personal Injury Attorneys

mesothelioma myths and misconceptions

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, and if you’ve been diagnosed with this disease, you’ll want to gather all the information you can about it. However, there are a variety of myths about mesothelioma, and it’s important that you’re able to sort fact from...

mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuits

If your loved one died from mesothelioma without pursuing a personal injury case, you may be able to file a mesothelioma wrongful death claim. However, filing this kind of claim can be overwhelming. Here are a few important things to know before making a decision...

top mistakes that can hurt your mesothelioma case

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer for which there is no cure. Mesothelioma is often diagnosed in its later stages, and the majority of people with mesothelioma die within two years of diagnosis, according to the American Cancer Society. Given the severity of the...

potential defendants in a mesothelioma lawsuit

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is almost always caused by asbestos exposure. The person or the business that was responsible for your asbestos exposure is, therefore, typically legally responsible for your illness, and it is this party who should be named...

mesothelioma cases from secondhand asbestos exposure

For decades, little was known about how dangerous exposure to asbestos could be. What's worse: even people who didn't handle the substance on the job still came in contact with it through someone else's work clothes or in their homes. Now many of these people are...

arsenault to serve as faculty for lsu trial advocacy program

LSU law has mock trials. They invite attorneys from our firm every year to come participate. It will consist of 200+ seniors in law school. They will debate and have mock trials and our attorneys will give a critique of each case. It’s a very impressive three day...

you help yourself when you help others

Last weekend I had a chance to attend the Weekend Of the Cross in Ruston, Louisiana with my 14 year-old son and his youth group from our church. We left Thursday evening for Ruston and we returned to Alexandria Sunday afternoon. When I was initially asked to go, I was...

arsenault will occasionally teach at lsu law

Neblett, Beard & Arsenault’s senior and founding partner, Richard J. Arsenault, will be presenting ” Illnesses With Long Latency Period” at the Litigation & Liability in the Workplace Continuing Legal Education program at LSU Law Center. The program will...

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Office Locations

Alexandria Office:

2220 Bonaventure Ct

Alexandria, LA 71301

Phone: (318) 561-2500

Fax: (318) 561-2591

Additional Areas Served:

Lake Charles, LA: (337) 855-4400

Baton Rouge, LA: (225) 343-3475

Shreveport, LA: (318) 635-5800

Lafayette, LA: (337) 289-9800

Monroe, LA: (318) 323-4455

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